The centerpiece of the Shrine of the Holy Innocents is a life-size statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and the Unborn.
This sacred space honors the memory of the souls of all deceased children, and it provides a reverent place of prayer and healing for parents and others who have experienced the death of a child.
The Shrine of the Holy Innocents is located in the lower level or “womb” of the Mother of Mercy Outdoor Shrine. Thirteen-foot bronze cherubim angels guard the entrance to the shrine where these children are remembered. As you enter, you hear heavenly music and the sound of water falling gently down mosaic walls. A life-size bronze statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn, stands at the center of the shrine. The names of deceased children are etched upon tiles decorating this shrine. Interspersed among the tiles are beautiful images and Scripture passages as reminders of God’s promise of eternal life.
When you memorialize a child, we will etch his or her name on a glass tile. You may proclaim your respect for life or honor someone who protects life on our register for the “Protectors of the Sanctity of Life.”
Spiritual Benefits: All those honored at the Shrine of the Holy Innocents and their families will be remembered daily at the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in the Rosary for Life, in the Holy Mass, and during the Hour of Great Mercy. They also will be remembered in a special way in a Holy Mass on Dec. 12 (the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe), Dec. 28 (the Feast of the Holy Innocents), and on the fourth Saturday in July.